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We are working with New Zealand peat companies for developing markets for horticulture peat as growing media and Industrial peat moss for usage in cleaning Industrial oil spill. The sphagnum peat moss is a naturally occurring organic fiber found only in countries like New Zealand , South America and few parts of Europe and Canada. The peat moss is harvested and dried through a dehydration process. This drying process allows the fibers to absorb hydrocarbons later where the water was once stored. The fiber encapsulates the hydrocarbon and will not allow leaching. Oil spill peat is an extremely versatile spill clean up material as it can be used on land/soil, concrete/asphalt and on water to clean up a wide range of oils, fuels, lubricants and chemicals.

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  •   +64 3 214 4777 / +61 3 214 4779
  •   +64 3 214 4779

About NZTL

New Zealand Trade Links Ltd is a 100% New Zealand owned company. With our focus on connecting New Zealand with international markets of India and the Middle East. NZTL is your bridge to access the purest and cleanest natural resources in the world. We bring you the highly nutritious, naturally pure and efficient products of New Zealand to the markets in India and the Middle East.

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